翻译:Its shortcomings/defects are obvious. 参考牛津大词典,楼主可以放心采纳!
xiǎ度n ér yì jiàn
obviously; apparently; as plain as the nose on one's face; be easy to see; can be seen with half an eye; clearly; clearly show; easily visible; evidently; It is crystal clear that ... ; stand out in bold (strong) relief; see with great ease; writ large; speak for itself:
城市贫民问窟答的穷困是显而易回见的。答 Poverty is much in evidence in the city slums.
显而易见 ( xiǎn ér yì jià百n )
解 释 形容事情或道理很明显,极容易看清楚。
出 处 清·李渔《闲情偶寄·结构第度一》:“此显而易见之事,从无一问人辩之。”
用 法 偏正式;作宾语、定语、分句;用于说话、写文章答等
示 例 他说这话的目的是~的内。
近义词 昭然若揭、有目共睹
反义词 模棱两可、高深莫测
歇后语 放大镜下的细菌
灯容 谜 放大
英 文 stick out a mile <tell its own tale; obviously; evidently;clearly;as clear and plain as the nose on one's face;it goes without saying
it's very obvious that 或者
it's very apparent that.