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自食其力copysupport oneself; earn one's own living; earn one's salt; live by the sweat of one's brow; live on one's hump (toil); live on (by) one's own toil (labor); live on the earnings of one's own work; self-supporting; support oneself by one's own labor这孩子已经(到了)成年,应该自食其力了。The boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living.她自食其力,生活过得很好。She has a good life, earning her own living.
Hayao Miyazaki (first,,:,,) was born in Tokyo in 1941. Because the body is not good, so not good at sports, so the static painting very talented, especially for aircraft are interested in, and became a lifelong hobby, he later many works are recurring concept of flight. Hayao Miyazaki animation works mostly relates to the relationship between man and nature, the gifted don't look to Hayao Miyazaki as a representative of the Japanese animated films in the America type super hero, the protagonist of the film are ordinary people, ordinary primary and secondary school students to young girls, even the witch is grey robes eat its own force, more give a person a a kind of intimacy. Among all Hayao Miyazaki's works, I like most is "just in time" witch. Legend has it that the witch family girl to become a qualified witch, must pass through the social practice tests. Must be 13 years old this year in the full moon night to leave their living place, go to unfamiliar places life to prove his ability. 13 years old girl Chichi using their ability to fly in the bakery, Currie Ko town work and courier. No work experience for her, all full of curiosity and wonder. Her appearance brought a not small disturbance to the quiet town. But she used her kindness and help a lot of people in the town, many friends, also after many ups and downs, finally it has finally become a qualified witch in the new city, where she will use their power to create our own way of life 求采e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83361

自食其力[zì shí qí lì]
support oneself; earn one's own living; earn one's salt; live by the sweat of one's brow
The boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living.




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