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Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.
bring forth the new through the old.
Target material industry is the important pillar of microelectronics industries, various types of sputtering film materials in semiconductor integrated circuit (DFM), disks, flat panel displays and workpiece surface coating, etc have been widely used. The preparation of the main technology of film materials is sputtering method, and sputtering film deposition of the source material is to target materials. With the target materials sputtering film deposition of higher density, adhesion better. Since the 1990 s, the microelectronics industry new devices and new materials development is rapid, prompted the sputtering target material market scale is expanding. New industries application materials are weeding out all of the quality of the target material required sputtering put forward more and more high demand, demand the number increases year by year. If we can promptly seize the opportunity the development of China's target materials industry, not only will shorten the target materials and international level of gap, and participate in the international market competition, but also can reduce the microelectronics industry in our country the production cost and improve the international competitiveness of China's electronic products.

bring forth the new through the old;
bring forth sth. new from the old;
develop our own new art by weeding through the old;
develop the new through critical assimilation of the old


Sharing resources and offering additional communication channels to teachers and students promotes efficiency and innovation within the education community.
provided by jukuu
Expand the market and innovation, to contribute to the kitchen of China with our customers.

Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction.




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