普布里乌斯·克奈里乌斯·塔西佗【Publius Cornelius Tacitus,约A.D.55~120年】是古代罗马最伟大的历史学家,他继承并发展了李维的史学传统和成就,在罗马史学上的地位犹如修昔底德在希腊史学上的地位。
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塔西佗《历史》He spoke a word only shows that his spirit was not mean. Because when a general insult him, he answered, 'but I still your emperor! 'then he failed in a meal under beaten: people in his death to his body to after the ravages of mean, as when the adulation of his live on the same mean
《特伯雷故事e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94339》 "Not to get his revenge against revenge, cannot use a mistake to correct another mistake, so each other similar things is mutual growth, the cause and effect of each other"
"If you want to cause chilly, must follow the certain way, that is to say, should according to law, and shall not take far in the act of violence. Anything beyond the scope of practice is a crime, about which there and also said, 'we all give evil for evil." if you said that in order to self defense, justice requires that we use of violent behavior, with the battle against violence against fight, this way, only without delay in that spot. And the action. In self-defense two not revenge for the purpose of line ah, is a good situation. But even so, when in self-defense still need to account