您的位置:荆门成语大世界 > 成语故事 > “这座岛只能坐船去”的英文翻译,填出下面两个空-翻译句子!“要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法”




1Go to that island, in addition to outside the boat, no other way.
2Some students crazy obsession pop music while others are more like classical music.
3The media are playing an increasingly important role in leading the fashion。
4I am doing everything possible to get a release of his album, but unable to do so.
5Without the encouragement and help of friends, I may have dropped out of school.

The island is gone only by boat.
1. 自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了。(no longer)
He no longer writes his friends since he has got a mobile phone.

2. 李教授在毕业典礼上做了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。(impress upon)
On the graduation ceremony, professor Li made a brief speech which impressed upon us deeply.

3. 我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。(find … doing)
I find myself having a fancy for oral English.

4. 他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。(browse through)
He is infatuated with foreign culture so he often browses through
huge amount of books for useful information.

5. 在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们的e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193333意见很不一致。(vary)
Our views vary on whether to establish a new association or not.

6. 要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法。(other than)
There is no way to get to that island other than taking ship.

7. 这是大学一年级新生第一次听美国教授的讲座,他们在头20分钟里听不太懂他在说什么。(have trouble doing sth.)
It is the first time for the freshmen to attend an American professor's lecture, so they have trouble understanding the professor.

8. 还剩下10分钟,既然你已经做完考题,也可以现在交卷。(now that)
There is 10 minutes left. Now that you have finished your exam, you have the alternative of handing in your paper now.

9 为了不伤害任何人的感情,他们花了近三个月的时间才做出最后决定。(it took ……before)
In order not to hurt anyone's feelings, it took them three months before they made the final decision.

10. 这些观众一定是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的。(must have done, speak highly of)
The audience must have missed their music shows, or they would speak highly of the shows.

11. 尽管她远在乡下,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲深切的关怀。(somehow, sense)
She is in the countryside farway,somehow she can sense her mother's deeply loving care.

12. 她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后开始往巴黎拨打电话。(finally, dial)
Finanlly, she come up to the telephone booth and dialed Pairs after inserting a coin.

Finanlly, she come up to the call box and dialed Pairs after inserting a coin.

You have no choice other than bying a boat to get to that island.




中国古代的思想家老子曾经说过这样三句话:信言不美 美言不信;... “善者不辩,辩者不善智者不博,博者不智”的意思 知者不博博者不知第二个知什么意思 知者不博 博者不知 的素材 关于吃饭不剩饭的名言 关于饮食 名言警句 关于吃的名言 关于吃饭的名言 这样见死不救,算故意杀人罪吗? 见死不救并阻止别人去救构成犯罪吗? “这座岛只能坐船去”的英文翻译,填出下面两个空 帮忙翻译哈(急) 麻烦有哪位英语高手的人帮我把以下的中文句子翻译下!! 注意:... 求英语高手翻译,求速度啊!不知道的别乱答,别来刷分 求日常生活中常用的成语或词语及解释一定会采纳的,谢谢了! 求50个成语..要求要有解释和使用应该注意....谢谢 形容衣服穿的厚的成语 求300个成语,要带解释的,谢谢了! 痴字开头的成语接龙 (带有痴的成语) 诈字开头的成语大全 带有痴字的四字成语有哪些啊如题 历史上出尔反尔的人物 历史上因为信任而导致好结局的事例急用!!! 历史上著名的出尔反尔事件都有哪些? 出尔反尔是历史故事的成语吗 君子以远小人 不恶而严 天下有山遁 远小人,不恶而严是什么意思 不恶而严是褒义词还是贬义词 ,遯;君子以远小人,不恶而严是什么意思 用一字开头的成语有哪些 带有一字的成语有哪些 有哪些带一字的成语 带一字的成语有哪些? 减肥能吃什么零食 减肥期间可以吃什么零食? 减肥的时候可以吃什么零食 手舞足蹈是袌义词吗 手舞足蹈这个成语由来是什么? 手舞足蹈是什么意思? 手舞足蹈的什么(填量词) 教而不善是什么意思 古文教而不善,不教而善,善而不教 不教而教是什么意思 教而不善,无计可施始信人蠢无药医! 求高手详细解释一下这两... PS什么方式可以去除这张图片上的文字和标志呢? 韩国去汉字化也有近百年了,为何恢复使用汉字? “之”字用法,取独和提宾怎么区分? 汉字去和祛哪个用法才对? 九十三的老人临死时还流泪,她是不舍得走吗? 李敖在几年前动过什么手术? 哪篇古文里有一句“不知死之将至”
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