您的位置:荆门成语大世界 > 成语解释 > 有段文章麻烦专业人士翻译成英语,不要有拼写和语法错误,句子的...-不欺暗室用英语怎么说




On April 11, all the students of our grade went to a laboring technical school for 5 days of journey of learning agricultural production.
During these 5 days, we have completed a series of courses which can be divided into two classifications, one is theory classes, such as flowers and plants class, fire protection class, etc. From the classes, we have not only learnt how to identify flowers and plants, but also learnt to escape by jumping from a building. The other classification is labor class in which we repaired canal, constructed road, extirpated weed, even carried excrement.
In fact, it is very hard. However, we have learnt a lot from it. Cooperation makes us more united, and our affection is deeper, meanwhile, we also undestand the hard of peasants and hard-earned happiness of our life.
On April 15, we left the agricultural base unwillingly, we believe the 5 days will become the most beautiful memory in our hearts.
Finally, I would like to share some picture of learning agricultural production, actually, I think you have seen them already.

英文:be scrupulously honest even when there is no one around.




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