您的位置:荆门成语大世界 > 成语解释 > 求英语大神翻译以下一段话:不要拿谷歌翻译来糊弄我求正确的语...-“有浓厚的文化气息”和 “深厚的文化底蕴”用英语怎么说

求英语大神翻译以下一段话:不要拿谷歌翻译来糊弄我求正确的语...-“有浓厚的文化气息”和 “深厚的文化底蕴”用英语怎么说



Let's subtract ninety from the hundred years and rear people in ten.

At present, a great number of problems exist in the tourism development in Zhu City, but the number of related researches is small. Based on field research and literature analysis, and tourism development strategy theory in application regions, this thesis analysises six factors including the potential advantages of developing tourism products in Zhu City, present development status , existing problems and development opportunities, macro layout and attractions partitions , development of special tourism products, development design and proposals , and tourism positioning and development target forecast so as to put forward some suggestions for macro decision of tourism development in Zhu City.
Beginning with the classification, resources, structure, characteristics and hierarchy of tourist products, the thesis analysises the present development of tourist products in Zhu City in Shandong Province and makes a study on its merits and problelms during the process of development and operation, and then investigates its causes and effects so as to probe into suitbable strategies for developing tourist products in Zhu City for sustainable development and solve problems existing in developing tourist products to contribute to smooth development of tourism in the city .
Eventially, based on the current experience in designing and developing regional tourism products abroad and guided by the theory of sustainable tourism development, this thesis combines its own advantages and disadvantages of tourism development in Zhu City to make a prospect of Zhu City's future development.
好像前面已经回答过了? 这是非常地道的英语哦:
One who has a false sense of pride suffers greatly.

“有浓厚的文化气息”和 “深厚的文化底蕴”用英语翻译分别如下:

“有浓厚的文化气息”deep  cultural richness 

“深厚的文化底蕴”be rich in cultural deposits



Medicine in ancient was known as "Benevolence" with strong cultural presence. 


They added to the scenic strong cultural presence, giving Nanxi rich cultural connotations, inour architectural history, planning history research on the high value. 


It is new with strong sense of humanity and culture, caring common people's life and customs as I hate those windy photos like any others. However, your simple and pure words are not often. 


With the trend of globalization in the future, only developing one's own unique style can make oneself compete with various countries! 





“不赞一词”,“不经之谈”,“不刊之论”各是什么意思? 成语:不赞一词,啥意思? 有一个成语意思是不吝啬自己的赞美之词是什么 赞美之情溢于言表什么意思? 逊色读音是什么? 斗芳菲晚春这首诗中意思是什么 大姐大是什么意思 大寂灭是什么意思 说话拐弯抹角怎么学? 怎么学会拐弯抹角,改正懦弱老实的性格? 怎样学会拐弯抹角的说话方式?学习这种方式之前应该看什么书?看... 直性子的人怎么才能学会拐弯抹角一点 带逐开头的成语 逐字五笔输入为epi,逐字组词及带逐字的成语有哪些 带逐的成语有哪些 带有叠字的成语 求英语大神翻译以下一段话:不要拿谷歌翻译来糊弄我求正确的语... “无论生存或生活我都不浪费,不让故事这么的后悔”用英语怎么说... “不要惹怒我”用英语怎么说 十年树木百年树人 英语翻译怎么说 我要意译 不要直译 软件翻... 古代形容地位的四字词语就是什么君临天下之类的,越多 后两个字是(天下)的四字成语或词语有哪些(形容人很厉害的) 格式像“君临天下”的,以“天下”结尾的四字词语有哪些? 穿越火线中霸气洒脱的名字4字的,类似于无限嚣张,君临天下的... 毫无疑问的用英语怎么说 毫无疑问地单词怎么写? “毫无疑问,谁能背诵更多的单词和句子,谁就能比另外一个人更可... 确实的无疑的单词怎么说,写 含有“千古”的成语有什么? 千古有什么成语 名什么古的成语有哪些 成语名什么古什么 家古时候用什么形容 古文中形容家人的词语是? 古人用什么词形容我的家人在何方? 能代表家人的古代字 请解释下出处和意思呗 天下之事 不难于立法 而难于法之必行 天下之事,不难于立法,而难于法治必行.在哪一页 “处无为之事,行不言之教”的出处原文,注释和翻译 《说苑权谋》文言文翻译 ... 他们是怎么留出这种参差不齐,而且还很好看的刘海? 什么是刘海啊?怎么解释啊? 额头大、宽的女生适合剪什么刘海? 不齐的刘海怎么弄 虚则欹;中则正;满则覆什么意思????比喻什么人身道理??? 虚则倾 中则正 满则覆是什么意思 虚则欹,中则正,满则覆什么意思?翻译
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