荆门成语大世界 > Tag > “众所周知”用英语有哪几种说法?
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- 众所周知,英语是:As we all know。例句:As we all know, some of todays children are overweight because they eat too much fast food. 众所周知,今天很多孩子都超重了,因为他们e69da5e887a
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- 众所周知:英语:It is well-known...众所周知,英语是:As we all know。例句:As we all know, some of todays children are overweight because they eat too much fast food. 众所周知
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- 众所周知,理论复必须要联系实际。用英语表达:1) As we all know, theory must be connected with practice.2) As is known to all, the theory combine with practice.3) As everyone