- 成语大世界成语大全
- 众所抄周知As everyone knows[例句]由于众袭所周知的原因,百两国人民度间的关知系中断了20多年。道Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over
- 成语大世界成语大全
- 众所周知百As everyone knows[例句]由于众所周度知的知原因,两国道人民间的内关系中断了20多年。容Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over
- 成语大世界成语大全
- 众所周百知as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that ...; come to light 由于众所周知度的知原因,两国道人民间的关系专中断了20多年。属